Social Safety Claiming: The Case of the Widowed Late Boomer

That is the most recent in a collection of biweekly articles that includes Social Safety claiming case research drawn from the ALM publication “2024 Social Safety & Medicare Details,” by Michael Thomas with help from Jim Blair, a former Social Safety administrator, and Marc Kiner, a planning knowledgeable with in depth expertise in public accounting.

The Situation: Widowed Late Boomer With a Sizable Survivor Profit

Carl is a single taxpayer whose spouse died after producing her personal substantial earnings historical past, leaving him eligible for widower advantages.

Carl has the choice to file for advantages as a widower after which swap to his personal work file later — no later than age 70 — or file on his personal work file earlier than his full retirement age and take the survivor profit at his full profit age.

Carl’s full retirement age is 67, having been born in June of 1962. His private work historical past offers him a full retirement age advantage of $2,244, whereas his survivor profit is valued at $1,886. Lastly, he has an actuarially projected dying age of 85.

With this set of situations, Carl has as many as 5 distinct claiming eventualities to think about, and the leap in projected lifetime profit funds between the least and most optimum claiming methods is about $225,000.

What the Numbers Say

In accordance with the authors, the least optimum claiming method would have been for Carl to file in January 2024 at age 61 for a decreased survivor advantage of $1,472. He would then file in July 2024 at age 62 for his personal decreased employee advantage of $1,580, leading to a complete lifetime projected profit quantity of $473,352.

A greater method would be for Carl to file in July 2024 for his personal decreased employee profit ($1,580), however he would wait till June 2029 to file at age 67 for his full survivor advantage of $1,886. This is able to enhance the projection to $536,430, an roughly $60,000 leap in advantages.

An excellent greater projected profit enhance comes from assuming Carl waits till June 2029 to file at age 67 for his full survivor profit ($1,886). Assuming he additionally waits till June 2032 to file at age 70 for his most employee profit quantity of $2,782, this is able to end in a considerably bigger projected lifetime advantage of $621,514.

The second most optimum method sees Carl file in January 2024 for his decreased survivor profit ($1,472) and in June 2029 for his full employee profit ($2,244). This ends in one other $2,000 in projected lifetime advantages, for a complete of $623,020.

Lastly, the optimum method: Carl information in January 2024 for his decreased survivor profit quantity of $1,472, however he waits till June 2032 to file for his most employee advantage of $2,782. This blended technique boosts the profit by one other $75,000, for a complete projection of $702,290.

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