Watch out for Double Jeopardy in SEC Proceedings: SEC Roundup

Welcome to SEC Roundup, a bimonthly video sequence by former Securities and Trade Fee senior trial counsels Nick Morgan and Tom Zaccaro, founders of the nonprofit advocacy group Investor Alternative Advocates Community.

Securities professionals beware.

Following the conclusion of federal court docket litigation, the SEC could prosecute you a second time for a similar conduct in a follow-on administrative continuing searching for to bar you out of your chosen occupation.

Hear from former SEC enforcement legal professional and Assistant U.S. Legal professional Keri Axel as she describes the problematic nature of those follow-on APs at a time when the constitutionality of SEC administrative proceedings is earlier than the U.S. Supreme Court docket.

Additionally, hear from securities skilled Eric Cannon who’s combating the SEC on two fronts to protect his skill to work within the trade as he has performed for greater than 20 years. Cannon finds himself on the heart of a authorized battle regarding the classification of fractionalized life settlement pursuits — a key determinant of SEC jurisdiction.

Cannon and Axel talk about with Morgan the authorized nuances and the often-overlooked affect these proceedings have on people throughout the monetary companies trade.

See the video above for Morgan’s dialogue.

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